Monday, December 28, 2009

Long time, Zachary Ryan Chun.

Tue, 091229 @ 12:18 AM
Hello son,
I'm sitting at Hang's desk, here in Seoul, eagerly awaiting to finally see you guys once again. I just had a long talk with my cousin and I was pushed just over the edge enough to start blogging to you once again. My talk with him isn't the only reason why I'm back. On the first of this month, I landed in Hangzhou, China and spent close to a month at my uncle's factory in Shaoxing, China. My immediate shock as to why facebook is banned there still lingers on in my mind. I wanted to investigate the extent of their ridiculousness, so I tried to view this blog and this was banned too. I'm not going to try to reason their mindsets because even their published explanations explains nothing. Next, I checked to see where we stood in terms of search engines, and as sad as it may seem, we've dropped way down Zachary Ryan Chun. I somewhat expected this to be the case because I haven't done much with this blog for the past six months. Further thoughts verified the fact that the absence of this blog from search results nullifies everything I've done so far. Remember, I am blogging to you, my son, in cyberspace, with the hopes that you will someday find this blog and deduce the truth for yourself. This lapse in the continuity that I use to diligently adhere to has weakened its previous powerful result. I nearly had all of the top ten results in both the web search as well as the image results. This is no longer the case and it's bothered me very much daily. My long talk with Hang was the needed act in order for me to return us to our previously glorious state. I don't have any of the photos with me because Ah Young has my external hard drive that hold all of my photos. I'm planning to utilize the subway system to meet her tomorrow so that I can retrieve it. My ulterior motive for the journey is to familiarize myself with the system so that I can start with Plan A to track you guys down. Fuck your damn bitch of a mom for separating you guys from me. This may be a normal act amongst the animals she calls her family, but there is no way in hell I am going to let this slide. You and your sister are my children and I will not rest until I know how you guys are effing living. Damn animals, all of them. Don't worry Zachary Ryan Chun. I will utilize all of my powers to make contact with you guys. I will find you son. I love you and your sister with all of my heart and it kills me not knowing where you guys are or how you're doing. I'm sorry for not trusting your dog of a mom. Bitch. Keep believing in us.
Tue, 091229 @ 12:38AM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day two partners. So how does it actually feel, Zachary Chun?

Tue, 090707 @ 4:43PM
Well son, this is the official second day of operations. You didn't have school to distract you from your free flowing mind today, so how was it? Share with me every last thought and emotion that you experienced because it is very, very unique for anyone your age, to experience first hand, all of the different factors involved when ownership of a potential conglomerate is concerned. Was the actual ownership difficult to fully realize because of such a minority stake in ownership? Wow, we can seriously do this all day long and bounce back all kinds of thoughts. I'm going to go on a limb here and assume that you are witnessing these events first hand. Kinda silly to do so, but I'm going to try. So that our sharing becomes that much more significant and meaningful, I'm going to assign you the task of writing down every last thought. However small, insignificant, or what have you, I want you to invest some serious time to put together your thoughts on paper for us to discuss into detail. I have no idea when we'll be able to actually do this together, so please, please invest a significant amount of energy towards your role in this venture. Really focus on your own, personal insightfulenss. Impress me. Overly try to impress me. There is so much more at stake here than you could possibly realize that nothing shared will be a hinderance or bother towards our goal of teaching you ownership. This is clearly, the most important and biggest HW assignment I have ever given you. Realize this and fully throw yourself into the mix. With that, I proudly announce a TIME OUT! HW!
Wow, would you look at that. I was in the middle of a posting. Lemmie sneak a peak at when I started this one...
ouch, like 8 hours ago. My second note on my facebook page, I titled it facebook killed by blog. So right this very moment, in all officialness with all of my meaningful seriousness I announce the disbanment of a religious gathering and am focusing on the path towards marketing to the masses. WHAT?!?! Dude, as of right now, this blog is dead. Goodnight, and goodluck.
WED, 090708 @ 1:46AM

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, baby! Come on, Zachary Chun, give your sister a kiss for me.

Tue, 090707 @ 4:02 AM
Why who might this be? Why, it's Zachary Chun! Hello there, son. How are you? Ah, and what a treat do we have next to him on this wonderful meeting. Hi Rachel. Happy Birthday. Happy five, baby. I'm really happy. Be happy too. Happy Birthday. Of all that's been going on these days, I was precisely guided to this site once again, to properly document this special day, with this big news. Again Rachel, Happy Birthday. I love all five of you. This morning, I officially launched our company, It's live, as we speak. This is my gift to you, and I will continuously put in time and energy towards improving it always. You may or may not remember from before, but I gave you and Zach, each 10% ownership, of Zandar Enterprises. Zachary and awesome r achel! Anyways, here's where it'll all come together. I have not officially announced the launching, but I now feel the need to do so, and in doing so, I have a clear list, of the order to those who are being made aware. I've only begun, by tapping into an unusually large, empty retail space. The site is barely 10% of the barest minimum. Well, it was this and a rather quirky happening. I proposed to someone about an hour ago. I won't know the answer until tomorrow, but it was something I wanted to permanently affix into existence, by publishing it here, in this most living creature of existences, your blog, Zach. IT'S ALIVE! BRB, gonna go copy-paste real quick.

This will be my one and only attempt, to find out if you desire, what I desire from life.

There are many different loves, learned throughout life. When I was young, I only put in, like 25% effort towards my parents. The rest went to rocks and cool trees. Your parents though, were on the other side, stressing out at 75%. You were young, you needed their protection. You don't know yet, all the funny little dangers in life. OK, OK. I could go on and on, about the great reasons, why being a parent is great, but that shouldn't sway you, in any way. Raising a child is a firm, 10 year, full-on dedication, commitment. I'm sure there are many auto-pilot days. in their latter years. All you can do is show them right from wrong and ask them to choose. A choice is asked to be made, from three words...

'Right. Wrong. Choose?'

The title of my first book, I hereby officially trademark and copyright by the powers invested in me. Make it so.
Anyways. I need to end this constant burning, of my soul. I must, with maximum dedication, focus, on the raising to two beautiful children with someone I have always desired, for almost 20 years. Wow, it was the summer of 90. 19 years ago. Can you believe it? The raising of children will show you an amazing new love. I will put forth effort, into those things that can make you happy, so that I can raise my children that much better. It was shitty, growing up in broken home. Nasty Korean just lingers on and on. If any of this is shocking you, than a simple "no-way, Jay. Not today." will make me as happy as a daisy. So, where was I. Ah, yes. From my experiences, it is absolutely necessary that full, total acceptance, is mutually agreed upon, from the very beginning. Neither I, nor you, have the time and energy to invest towards a question mark. If the details need to be shared, so that our equally and firmly gripped hand-skake proudly announces our mutual commitment towards the raising of at least, two children, than may the bells ring because these are happy days. Anyways, that's what I've been doing lately, Jen. I remember, best stealing that late-afternoon laughter, with the slickest usages of the wrong decision. Doing something bad, was sometimes good. Rawr. I loved that summer for many different years. You get the trophy, for the mental rewind queen of the nasty. LOL. Anyways Jen, will you marry me so that we can raise children? If this letter works, than it'll be no big deal, that I proposed to you too, at the end of this, on 090707 My One Letter to Jennifer.

- Jason

Ta-da! There it is, as clear as day. Next is the announcement. !) Dad. 2) Mom - first to see the site. (3 pre-cummers. Rafa & Tere, and baby bro Tony were all told of it before it went live. I want the pressure of an early announcement. It will drive me hard towards getting the site up and running. and productive. I need to have my site make me money. So. You, son, is person number 4, because I have to make everything more special to Rachel and tell her third because it's her Birthday. Afterwards, I will email out the announcement letters, first to Soo Jeong ( then, oh, I don't know. This is a good, solid group. DO IT!!! Anyways, gotta go do it, so once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Tue, 090707 @ 4:35AM

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Where is my son, Zachary Chun?!?

WED, 090520 @ 3:38 AM
Well, well. Hello Zach! Do you remember me telling you earlier how much I love to update your .doc file? I love doing that so much that I stayed up just so I could edit and proof it to post the link on the next posting. It's almost 3 MB, so I'll just have to babble on until Megaupload finishes with the link. I remembered as I proofed the last 10 postings that I came up with the 'a' in Zandar Enterprises. "AWESOME!!!" Zachary and AWESOME Rachel Enterprises. What other word starting in 'a' means something praiseworthy. Ahh, but you're awesome too, Zach. Zandar Enterprises. As soon as...hush-hush...I'll probably incorporate next week and register this company. Do you remember how much you and Rachel own? Yup, 10 percent each. It may not be worth much now, but it will. I even thought about the remaining percentages. Since you guys own 20%, I'm left with 80%. No one can have half or more interest than me, so I'll have to own 41%, at least. Wait a minute?!? It's official. I own 42%, you 10%, Rachel 10%, and 38% is up for grabs. Whether I sell it off to an investor or invest it from within to employees, that's how much I can play with. Zandar Enterprises, Inc. dba Cool, huh? I wish I had a better understanding of a graphics program like Photoshop so that I could begin the logo process. I've set up quite a few businesses in the past, so this one'll be a cinch to put together. It's funny how I'm blogging my heart out about this venture. Sure, its because I want to share with you my daily challenges and successes because you both have a financial vested interest, but on the flip side, I'm actually recording and posting the steps from birth. It's funny actually. Well, not really funny, but more like an added bonus. A rather cool bonus. With all of this babbling on and on about C2C, I'm setting myself up for a make it or break it scenario. Imagine if you will, a multi-million dollar company's birth and growth being blogged?!? Well, that's unheard of. We're in a rather unique situation, aren't we? Don't worry guys, all this added pressure is driving me to succeed. I'm going to do it. No, we're going to do it. I'm so excited. I'm actually glad that I'm not burdened down by chicas ATM. There's a peace that I can enjoy without the constant nagging. Oh, come now. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Ruff. What can you expect from an animal? Just accept it avoid it like you would a pile of stinky old shit walking down the road.
Damn. There was an error with the upload. It was only a third of the way done and to re-upload, it starts all over. Pooey. I think I'll just let this one go on all night and post it tomorrow in a new post. You know how much ketchup I need to play. Anyways son, goodnight. See you tomorrow!
WED, 090520 @ 3:59 AM

Friday, April 10, 2009

Post number 100, Zachary Chun!!!!!!!

WED, 090520 @ 2:41 AM
Hello there, Zachary Ryan Chun. Can you believe it? We've come so far in such a short span of time. This here is the big 1-0-0. Our one hundredth post celebration! I know I said I'd do something special for this monumental occasion, but I've been very, very busy. I have this new found direction and goal and spend every waking moment thinking about it. No, wait. That's you guys. Oops. Just kidding. I skipped a couple of photos and added the image above because it is a Top 3 for me. Your expression is precious. And look at what you are doing?!? I remember very clearly the exact moment I took this photo because you touched my heart. I love you Zach. I wish I could be with you so that I could teach you everything that's important to me in life. I want to share so much with you. I want to go down the isles at Home Depot with you and answer every question you can think of. I want to hold your hand, I want to laugh with you, and I want more memorable moments with you like the moment above. I know that you know deep in your heart just how much I loved you and how much I want to give you in every way. I'm not worried about you distancing yourself away from me because you know how special you are to me and I know you believe in my love for you. Hang in there, Zach. We'll be together again real soon. I love you.
Enough with the drama already. I suppose I should make my big announcement. If anyone asks what your father does for a living, you can now tell them that your old man is a webmaster. On the last post, Lesson 7 was kicking my ass, but after some serious soul searching (online, that is), more like surfing, I have a grand big picture of the programming needs. I was stressing over CSS for no reason. I've managed to print out a good third, the top third, actually, in order of relevance and importance, of their tutorials. I'm going to take baby steps for a long time until I force feed myself every last important word. The July 2nd deadline is much more real to me now because I plan on meeting it head on. It's funny how this late in the evening, I have this urge to hit the books again. I suppose it's a good thing. Along with HTML and CSS, I need to learn JavaScript, PNP, XML, SQL, ASP, VBScript, and some other ones. I know what is needed for what purpose, so it's just a matter of taking the time to go through all of the codes. I won't need to memorize any of it, just be able to recognize it when they come up. I've been spending about 10 hours a day on this venture for the last couple of days and the good news is that it really doesn't seem like work. It's now tedious, I mean. I really have a knack as well as a love for source codes. I've been online for so long, I know the desired end products very well. It's now a simple matter of reading and understanding web page source codes. I'm deliberately touting my own horn here as loudly as I can because I'm challenged to make C2C work. Not just for me, but for you guys, my folks, some other relatives and friends. I'm sick and tired of being poor. It's not that I desire wealth; I'm not comfortable poor. Oh, sure, I can take the swings better than most people, but it's time for a change. C2C is going to make me millions Zach and I will spoil you to the bone in more ways than you can imagine. You're going to thank that animal of a mother one day for leaving me because you will see so much love from me that you will have too much loving gratitude. Find me son, I want to hear your voice. Love always.
WED, 090520 @ 3:04 AM

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lesson 7 is kicking my butt, Zachary Chun.

SAT, 090516 @ 4:36PM
Hiya son. LOL, look at how you are hugging your cousin. You were 1 and a half and you loved your cousin oh so very much. He often asks about you. Him and his brother miss you and your sister very much. I'm overwhelmed by CSS. Ouch. There are new topics at every lesson and every one of them are foreign. Ahhh! I was reading over classes of attributes and called it quits for now. What a big pain in the butt?!? There are 5 more lessons to CSS and no matter what, I'm going to get through them all by tonight. Promise. I think I'll be ready to read the source codes for the pages I've printed out. Hopefully. If I understand enough of it, I'm going to start building my site. I've come up with all kinds of ideas in order to popularize our little venture, but until I do so, we'll keep it hush hush. How are you? Summer vacation is almost here, isn't it? I wish I knew how you guys were doing. Damn animal. Ruff. Has Esther died yet? Every cloud has a silver lining. Anyways. I notice that this is the 99th posting. I'll have to do an extra special job of the next posting because it is monumentally significant. I don't know what though because I've immersed myself in the self-teaching of HTML. I am beat. I'll find the courage to trek on because it means the best for us all. I'm sorry, but I am warning you now, Zach. Once I become the millionaire that C2C will make me, I am fighting that animal with every dollar and all my might. There is no way that she can do this to the three of us. Warn her because she and her whole damn family will feel my wrath. Khan was a pussycat compared to what I have in store. Again, sorry, but it's her damn fault. Anyways, back to my studying. See you later!
SAT, 090516 @ 4:47 PM

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

On to CSS now, Zachary Chun.

FRI, 090515 @ 4:02 PM
Hello again son. Believe it or not, I finished the HTML basics section and I'm moving onto CSS. I was glad to have decided to go through these basic steps because I answered many questions that I had stored way back there in my head. There are about 10 lessons, I think, in CSS, so I should get through them tonight. I'll need a FTP SW to upload my pages and luckily, I have experience with it because I used it for the links page at my last place of employment. I also learned about SEO's, but you know that already because I've been using my skills to get this blog high ranking in result pages. Anyways. The greed you see in the face above is a snapshot of your animal of a mother BTW. I'm sure you've seen it many times already so you know exactly what I'm talking about. Wow, I can't believe I want to pull myself away from this post so that I can read about CSS. I think after that, I'll be ready to begin putting together the C2C page. There are still so many unknowns. I'll have to take major baby steps. On the flip side, I know that I won't have to produce a 'perfect' site. The needs to perfect will be driven by the growing number of advertisers that will be fighting to get a leg up. Anyways. I wish you could be here so that you can feel my excitement. We're doing this, baby. Wish us luck and keep both fingers crossed at all times. TTYL.
FRI, 090515 @ 4:11 PM

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

10 lessons finished, Zachary Ryan Chun. Whew.

FRI, 090515 @ 2:23 PM
Hello there Zachary Chun. Hiya son. Hmmm. I just realized now that every one of your youthful photos, (ages 0-4), are all smiles. I wonder why you stopped being so naturally happy. Anyways. I have no idea what you're pointing to in the photo above, but it sure did put a big smile on your face. I'm using this blog to take my breaks with. I can't non-stop learn HTML, so I'm taking in a breather by speaking with you. First, I thought it best that I just read the source codes for the pages I wanted, but then, I was overwhelmed with too many jargon that I couldn't follow. So, I'm going back to the basics. is the page I'm using to teach myself HTML. Hopefully, C2C will be up and running sometime in June. IDEA! How about I use Rachel's B-Day as the official launch date?!? Yeah. That'll give me a deadline to adhere to and it'll make the event that much more special. Judging from my laziness with your blog, I know I won't be able to keep up with both blogs. So, this blog will be a continuous gift to you and I'll make C2C Rachel's gift. Yeah, that's it. Good. I'm glad I came up with this little plan. There are so many advantages to everything. Now, for sure, for sure, I'll have C2C up and running by the second of July. Launch date, baby! That's great. Oh yeah. I won't be able to use ZandR Enterprises as the name of my company. Rather, I'm going to call it Zandur Enterprises, Inc. It's not as obvious, and this new acronym will be "Zachary and uh, Rachel" Enterprises. Maybe not. I haven't completely made up my mind yet. I just know that ZandR just won't do. How about "Zandar"? "Zachary and...ahhh, Rachel" Enterprises. Yeah, that's it. Zandar, Zander, Zandir, Zandor, and Zandur. Yup, Zandar Enterprises it is. "Zachary and affectionate Rachel". I'll figure out that darn 'a' sooner or later. Zandar sounds best anyways. OK, well, I have a deadline to meet, so off I go. Talk to you later.
FRI, 090515 @ 2:38 PM

Monday, April 6, 2009

C2C is taking shape, Zachary Chun.

TH, 090514 @ 4:07 AM
Hi son. Look at how cute you are in this picture. I loved just looking at you because you were always so happy. Ahh, the innocence of youth. I miss those days terribly. I went on a C2C marathon. I managed to print the pages along with the source codes for a very reputable company so that I could teach myself HTML. I tried the traditional method of learning, but the learning curve is so unattainable that I decided to do it backwards. I'm going to highlight all of the new terms as I come across them as I read it. I have enough of a programming background to know how information is tossed around so I'm not worried about losing myself in it. What I need to know is all that is out there that I can utilize to perform those tasks that I will need. This is a huge, huge battle, so you and your sister are going to have to wish me a ton of luck. I have a 2 inch stack of code that I will begin reading and learning from tomorrow and I am very scared. Mostly because I'm overburdened and overwhelmed. I came back to this blog for strength. I suppose if I'm holding myself accountable to you guys by doing this, I'll have to get it done with C2C. I also needed the break. Four or five hours non-stop. Anyways guys, I'm going to go sweep the patio real quick and sneak in a game before I call it a night. After tomorrows cram session of HTML, I'll give you an update. Kisses!
TH, 090514 @ 4:16 AM

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Eureka, Zachary Chun!

WED, 090513 @ 10:14 PM
Hello Zachary Ryan Chun. Wow. Long time son. For whatever reasons (I'll tell you in private) I haven't posted in like a month. Well, I'm back and I plan on babbling to you like crazy so that I can ketchup. Generally speaking, I've been busy with C2C, and have been taking the slugs as they come. It's really my only plan for any foreseeable future, so I've been sort of busy with it, I guess. You and your sister are the only reasons why I need to press on with this venture. Your animal of a mother took all the wind out of my sails. I never want to trust in another person the way I use to with that animal. Again, this is something I want to share with you in private. Anyways. Last Friday night, your Aunt came over because it was your grandpa's 71st birthday, lunar style. (Remember that HW?) I shared my ideas with Eric hyung and he hasn't responded, so I've been mulling around with it. I was trying to figure out just how I was going to jump this rather high hurdle and viola! I came up with a somewhat splendid idea. So good was this idea, that I jumped back onto my wagon and will try to go at it again full blast. I've been reluctant to battle it out with your mom in court because you guys are too young to not have a mother in your lives. That animal and I should be discussing all that is best for you guys, but being the animal that she is, she felt it necessary to simply steal you guys away from me. Well, time will come when you guys are older and ready to be with me and I'll need money to butt heads with that animal in court. Being so, I need to shake it off and prepare for battle. Don't worry guys, I'll always be here for you. Just be patient until we're all ready. You'll know the truth in time and this blog will continue to prove just how much I care for and love you both, contrary to all of the lies that that animal is feeding you. My revenge will be that you will hate that animal once you realize the truth and I will make sure that you know all of the truth. Anyways, I just wanted to touch basis with you once more and wanted to officialize this epiphany to press on with C2C. I'll see you both very soon and you are in my heart and mind daily forever. I love you both very much and wish the best always. Take care now.
WED, 090513 @ 10:27 PM

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Zachary Chun's FIRST ladder!!!

SAT, 090418 @ 9:01AM
Hiya Zach. This photo is by far the most shocking shot ever. My jaw was still cracked wide open even after I took the shot. You were a few months past your second birthday and that, my boy, is a six foot aluminum ladder. I was busy working in the garage and didn't even notice you were even on the ladder until I turned around and found you almost at the top. I was so shocked, I ran to my camera and snapped this everlasting shot. I will never forget that day and I shall never, ever forget this most prized photo. You've got balls, my boy. I still can't figure out what you were so eagerly pointing down to. Maybe you were trying to tell me if I knew how far the floor was. I can't recall because I was stunned for anything else. I love this shot of you. Top five, for sure. And look, you're hanging on to your Buzz. How did you manage to climb a ladder holding your favorite toy? Wonderfully excellent. Good job, my boy. A++. How are you these days? I think about you and your sister daily and am hopeful that you guys both miss me just as much. Oh, here I go again. I was going to post negative words again, even though it's the truth. I'm guessing you dislike it, so let me continue on with my movie review thingy. I have a lot of time on my hands lately, so I've been spending quite a bit of time on them. I actually started databasing my entire collection with the columns, #, movie, IGIA, year, genre, star, co-star, and director. Of course I utilized the all powerful Excel filtering system so that I can access all movies made by a certain actor or director or genre. I learned about a director named Billy Wilder. That's not a name known by most people, but he was a superstar back in the days. I kept noticing his name for some of my favorite classics, so I did some research on this guy. Boy, oh boy, is he ever talented. He directed most of the best films from the Golden age or whatever age the 40s and 50s were. I picked up his name during a eulogy that Bruce Willis gives in a movie titled 'What Just Happened'. Hmmm. I know!
What Just Happened - IGIA8. This is a very insightful look into the crazy world of movie making here in Hollywood. Robert DeNiro is a powerful Hollywood producer that juggles a few movies by catering to the craziness of the different players while at the same time, juggles two ex-wives and all of the headaches that comes along with that whole mess. It was exaggerated insightfulness that is rare in other films. I believe an ex-producer wrote this film and it was somewhat autobiographical in that many of the situations are actual experiences that he's had to wrestle in his past. There is an all-star cast that supports DeNiros antics and it's very funny how everyone plays themselves. I give it extra praise because I'm such a fan of movies and the industry and this film shows all of the wonders and amazement. Catch it, you'll like it as well.
I know I'm suppose to do two, but I'm way, way behind and something just finished so I want to rap things up a bit. I promise to post links for those photo sets that uploaded way back when. Until then son, bye!
SAT, 090418 @ 9:26AM

Friday, April 3, 2009

Zachary Chun's FIRST candy he asked Dad to buy him.

FRI, 090417 @ 12:37AM
Hi Zach. I love this photo of you. This is officially, the very first candy that you asked me to buy. We were at some gas station and you went over and grabbed it. Look at how you're enjoying it. Classic. Love it, love it. How are things with you? I should be able to listen to all of your problems and concerns and help you through difficulties, but your mother is an animal so she's keeping us apart. You have to believe me simply because of this blog. How else could I care for you and love you as much as I do, if whatever your mother is telling you is true? Please just take a time out and figure things out for yourself. The truth will set us both free. I've really been suffering lately simply because I just want to know about you guys. Your mother promised that she was going to bring you guys back here to the states in 2 years just like she promised me I would get information about where you guys are at. I know that John and Esther will never come back because they are criminal fugitives. They're running from the law here for all of the crimes they committed. Oh, BTW, do you remember that $25,000 tax lien that was placed in my name by them? Well, I managed to get it off of my credit. HA! Tell them because it'll eat them up since they feed off of the suffering of others. Stick it up yours, you heroine junkie. HA! That reminds me, is she still alive? Hasn't Esther kicked the bucket yet? I hope every shot of that unreliable medication pains her for years and years with no change in sight. Shoot up like you use to and keel over already you junkie. HA HA HA! John, I want him to live many, many long years as the stupid fart that he is. This way, more and more people will shake their heads behind his back in amazement as to how he could be so damn stupid. I'm sure glad I don't have to deal with that whole mess anymore. Trying to be someone you're not. Ignorance is ignorance, but the truly stupid people don't even know that they're ignorant so they just mosey along. That's how John lives and that's how I want him to live in his ignorant bliss. I hate how these damn animals get me all negative like this. I would like to rid of these animals once and for all from my life, but because they are keeping my children away from me, I have to continue thinking about them. Like dog shit on a sidewalk, I just want to step aside and avoid it forever, but they won't let me. Damn them. It's kinda sad how they're pasts have been haunting them so much. Well, at least Esther. She's going to die because she was, and probably still is, a heroine junkie. Too bad. Does your church know this? Do they know how much of a slut you are? How fake and insincere you are about everything? How many millions you ripped off from everyone here? How you will never come back to these free states because you are a junkie criminal? I want you to die because it will be better for you. We both know that. No one's going to miss you but your dealer. Your daughter certainly isn't because she wished your death many many times in her past. She still probably does for making her the way she is. I hate this post as much as I hate every last one of those animals. Bye.
FRI, 090417 @ 12:54AM

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Zachary Chun is two days old.

TUE, 090414 @ 4:02AM
Hiya Zach. In case you forgot, I'm using your slide show photos in the order that they appear. That's how come the image above was added. It wasn't because I looked happier than I've ever been my whole like, or because you're so cute and adorable. Wow, I've got a lot to make up, don't I? I'm like over a week behind now and it bugs me every hour of every day. So much so, I can't even sleep. I laid in bed with my eyes wide open thinking to myself, 'oh, no. I'm so behind. I'm a head, darn it. I better post something. Anything.' and got right up. Well, not really, but it sounds good, doesn't it? I fell extra behind this weekend because there was kind of an emergency I had to deal with. Not really an emergency, but more of a deadline. That reminds me, remember the Coke Rewards thing? Since I haven't said anything more about it, you can pretty much deduce that I didn't win. Oh well. This time around, it wasn't a sweepstakes, but a contest. I don't know if you know, but I am a serious gamer of WarCraft. Not World of Warcraft, just the standard, Frozen Throne. Well Friday night, I read news about the final days of a creative writing contest that was being held by them. The grand prize is some dumb luncheon with the developers along with a trip to headquarters. I'm only about 15 minutes away, so it's not really a prize. There's also this sword thing that comes with it, but that doesn't interest me either. What this contest does mean to me is the opportunity to work with Blizzard to produce something. Anything. Me being such a hard core player and all, I know I can contribute to whatever venture they have in mind. What I'd like to do is to actually write and help produce a WarCraft movie. The Lord of the Rings trilogy was a huge success even though the storyline was based on some stupid ring and hobbits. Go figure. There is so much depth to the WarCraft world that if given the right resources and opportunities, I know I can create a blockbuster film. Well, I only had less than 48 hours to write a 3,000-10,000 short story, but I'm very disappointed at my entry. I didn't even qualify because I was shy of the 3,000 word minimum. I uploaded my .doc file at the last minute. I just didn't have enough time. I think I have like a 1 in 1 million chance of winning because I didn't meet the minimum requirements. I'm sharing this with you not because I'm excited about my prospects, but more so to tell you that that was the reason why I didn't play ketchup this weekend. I put everything on hold and pumped out a short story as best and as fast as I could. In the very slim chance I'll even finish runner up, I'll keep you informed. Uh, yeah. That's what happened this weekend. Wow, if I do the math, I'm 12 days behind. Wow, that's close to 2 weeks. We can't have that now, can we? I'm also putting together my sister's 40th birthday present that's coming up next month. Uh, I guess that's just another excuse. Anyways, in order for me to ketchup, I'll have to be a wee bit short on these postings. You know, stretch it out a bit. A little babbling here, a few there, and so on. I did manage to upload like 10 folders that I should be linking to on these posts, but it's late so I'll start with that tomorrow. Anyways son, good night and good luck.
TUE, 090414 @ 4:41AM

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What happened to your teeth, Zachary Chun?!?

TH, 090409 @ 1:50AM
Hello my son. I love taking photos with you where we are both in our little world enjoying the moment as we were above. We're both so very happy, don't you agree? I was eager to post this because I have updated your .doc file. 199 whole pages. Can you believe that? Here's the link in case I babble, babble and somehow forget.

I realized that the first three months of any year have either 90 or 91 days. Why? In case you don't know, HW! This should be an easy one. Anyways. I just wanted to get this link up so that I can somehow dwell on my ever-lasting, ever-changing masterpiece. I'll have to hurry up and ketchup so that I can somehow celebrate the big 1-0-0 posting. That's a pretty big deal, you know. The one hundredth posting. Wow. If my math serves me correctly, I only have tomorrow to ketchup because Friday is the big day. Oh no! We'll see what happens. TTYT son!
TH, 090409 @ 1:57AM

TUE, 090414 @ 2:27AM
Long time, Zach. How have you been? You probably don't know this, but today (the 14th, not the date of this posting) is your grandfather's 71st birthday. Yae! He and I are going to a local restaurant to celebrate. Him and your grandmother actually celebrate their birthdays according to the lunar calendar. I've wondered all my life what that's all about. Uh-oh. HW! Give me a full report about the origin, the usage, and most importantly, its relations to the, uh, 'normal' calendar. Hmm. If there is a lunar calendar, what is the 'normal' calendar called. I'm so curious George. This is a big one so plz do it. For me? Pretty please, with cherry on top? I got your Guitar Hero beanie the other day. One for Rachel too. I think that's gift number 2. Oh yeah. I've been trying to come up with some plan in terms of helping your cousin Thomas with some simple math. I was taught by someone in my childhood to break away from the traditional thought in terms of simple math. You know, if someone asked you for 15% of $75, the first thing you would do is write these numbers down and do long math, right? Here's my little 'trick'? Lesson One. What is 10% of $100? 15%? 25%? 37%? 79%? All easy, right? Because $100 is an even, whole and complete number, figuring out whatever percentage of it is easy, right? 79% = $79. Too easy, right? Now, do that again, but this time, for $200. Traditionally, you would have to write it all out and do long math in order to figure it out. This is where my method comes into play. Before you actually figure out the exact answers, look at the question and analyze the number. In the first set, $100 was the amount. In the second, it's $200. Hmm. $200 is double $100, or x2. Focus on that instead of diving into long math. Now, try to figure out the same percentages for $200. 15%? Traditionally, you would multiply 200 by 15 and move the decimal place two spaces to the left, right? Now do it my way. In the first set, the answer is $15. In the second set, we're figuring out the percentage of something that is double. So, why not just double the answer. $30. 15% of $200 is $30. All I asked was that you step back and analyze the question. Do the next one. 25% of $200. Looks tough, right? Not if you think about the question for a split second. For $100, it was $25, so for $200, it's $50. Times two. Catching on? Now what is 37% of $200. Wow, that seems pretty hard, doesn't it? Not if you do it my way. Just double $37, and you get $74! WOW! 37% of $200 is $74. Finally, we have 79% of $200. Impossible to do in you head, right? WRONG! Simply double $79, and you get, $158. 79% of $200 is $158. And we did this without even lifting a pencil. These examples were pretty easy because we used the first set as reference for the second set. The secret is this. Whatever problem you are being asked, think first before reaching for a pencil and try to simplify it down to 10 or 100. OK, another set to practice my little method. This time, we're going to figure out percentages for $50. 15% if $50? Remember to pause and think. $200 was double $100, but $50 is half of $100. Rather than doubling the answers, we have to chop it up in half for $50. You ready? 15% of $50 is (half of $15) $7.50. 25% of $50? (half of $25) $12.50. 37% of $50? Again, this one looks impossible, but if you just think about it for a second, it's easy. Half of $37 is $15 plus $3.50, or $18.50. (Again, I simplified to figure this one out. First I took $30 and chopped it in half. $15. Next, I halved $7 and got $3.50) 37% of $50 is $18.50. And we did this in our heads. Did you think that was possible? It is now. Finally, what is 79% of $50. Don't be alarmed. Just stay calm and focus. Okay. Break up 79% to 70% and 9%. Half of 70 is 35 and half of 9 is 4.5. Now add 35 and 4.5. You get 39.5. 79% of $50 is $39.50! Good job, Zach! You did it! Well, we did it. Just so that this lesson sticks with you, I want you to figure out 5%, 20%, 35%, 67% and 84% for $100, $200, and $50. After that, you'll have mastered this little technique. I'll continue on with a different set of questions to further your skills. I haven't figured out what that is going to be, but I'll come up with something soon. Whew, that was a lesson and a half, wasn't it? I wish I could pop open a can of Coke for you to enjoy as reward for hanging in there and finishing our little lesson. I love you, have a nice day!
TUE, 090414 @ 3:16AM

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Our FIRST Dodger game, Zachary Chun.

TH, 090409 @ 12:15AM
Hiya Zach. Aww, don't you look cute in that photo. Check out how you're holding the cap too. Too cute. I love it. Well, this is a big post. Number 9-0. I think that was the reason why I was on edge about finally writing something. I wanted to be able to update, upload, and link to your .doc file. Hmm, let me see. Oh yeah. In case I didn't mention in the past, I added a html feature from daily motion a while back. It's caught my interest so much, that I actually spend time watching all of my favorite Wonder Woman episodes. I don't remember the storyline because I don't think I spoke English back then. I just remember gazing into Lynda Carter's eyes and thinking how beautiful she is. All guys have some star that they gawk. You probably don't have one yet, but you will. Mine was Lynda Carter which is why I favorited her and her shows. Believe it or not, the show was very hip and modern at the time. I laugh at it now, but back then, they did stuff on that show that was groundbreaking. Every stunt or special effect held me on the edge of my seat and I remember hollering for more. Times have changed so much since then. I actually remember some of the 'modern' stuff, like a push button telephone. Even the rotary ones too. I laugh every time they use a CB for their calls from a car, but back then, it was high-tek. I watch these episodes a lot differently than I did as a kid. I didn't have a basis to compare from as I do now, so I didn't analyze like I'm doing today. It was just a wonderful show that entertained me greatly. Anyways, watch them if you have hours and hours, or better yet, days and days to kill. In terms of IGIAs, I'd have to give it a IGIA6 for all the episodes. Again, it is very, very dated and you won't be able to reminisce and reflect like I can. Anyways.
Cassandra's Dream - IGIA8. This is the movie I was in the middle of yesterday. Since it is a Woody Allen film and yesterday's ratings were both of his films, I thought I'd include it here. This was a tough 8 to give because it's not at the caliber that most 8's are in. Rather, I edged it higher because of the performances given. Mainly, it was Colin Ferrel's performance that I give it an 8 and not a 7. His role here is very different from the character's he usually plays. In fact, it's the exact opposite. His actions in this film cause so much grief and guilt, that he is being strangled from within. I thought he always performed well as the ruthless, cold-hearted killer, but his fragile performance in this film is even more noteworthy. Ewen McGreggor's performance is not as extreme, but somewhat shares the characteristics of Colin's role. The ending was pleasantly shocking as well. It ties in well and as always, questions human traits and explores into a world we can only imagine.
In Bruge - IGIA8. I'm rating this film because Colin Ferrel is the exact opposite from the character in the film above. So much so, that I liked him just as much in this film, if that's possible. Bruge (pronounced 'rouge') is in Belgium and prior to this film, I had never even heard of the city. It's a funny topic because one character is madly in love with the city while another hates it for being so historic and ancient. It shows many of the wealth of the city and I rather enjoyed all of the scenes. The plot isn't all that rich, but there are enough twists and turns to keep the viewer interested. There are many funny scenes as well. Another world, with quirky humor. The language is very strong, so you'll definitely have to wait many, many years to watch it, but when you do, I hope you enjoy it in the many ways that I enjoyed it.
Anyways, that completes my 90th posting so I'll be able to copy-paste to your .doc file. It takes about an hour, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to do my usual routine. Until next time, bye..
TH, 090409 @ 12:47AM

Monday, March 30, 2009

Christmas eve with Grandma and all her grandchildren, Zachary Chun.

WED, 090408 @ 12:29AM
Hiya Zach. I'm waiting on something ATM and wanted to post anything so that I don't miss the big 1-0-0 posting. I'm guessing it's sometime this week, so I'll have to be a busy little bee and ketchup. I know this is a terrible, unflattering photo of you and Rachel, but it was meaningful so I used it. Remember, I started using your slide show photos yesterday, so I'm just going to go in order and add images as they come up. Tonight's been kinda hectic and I guess I should share. Hmmm. Last Sunday was palm Sunday, whatever that means. Your grandma went on some prayer retreat and she's not due back until tomorrow night. Anyways, a few hours ago, your uncle Eric calls me up frantic, asking if I knew where Grandma went for the retreat. I didn't know, and it was weird for him to call so late to ask such an odd question, so I asked him why he wanted to know. He said that there was breaking news on channel 9 about some shooting spree at a Korean Retreat in Temecula and that four people were shot. WHAT?!? "Yeah, it's on right now, turn your t.v. on". Grandma didn't mention where she was going, so I started stressing big time. I hung up with him quickly so that I could listen to the breaking news. Apparently, some 70 year old dude went on a shooting spree at some prayer place out in Temecula. One person was pronounced dead and three others were hospitalized. He was on the loose in the hills somewhere and they were all wildly looking for his ass. All I had was the directions to the church that I dropped her off in, and luckily, it had their phone number. I called around 10:30, and surprisingly, someone answered. I asked quickly about the retreat and a lady was adamant about the group driving up to Big Bear Mountain. Whew! I called uncle Eric back and told him the good news and he told me to wait by the phone for further communique. Your Aunt foolishly drove all the way over to that stupid church for whatever reason. She called to ask me what I know and I reiterated to her that there was no need for her to drive all the way over to the church, but she wouldn't listen and did so. That's the last I heard from them. I didn't mention any of this to Grandpa because he would unnecessarily worry like your Aunt. What a night. The moral of the story? F God and F church. We'll talk about this in depth when we get the chance. I blog my opinion and those crazies will never leave me alone. They're all crazy, I tell ya. Especially the damn Bae's. They're the poster children for crazy Christians. F them all. I hate how I get all negative and rowdy whenever I mention any of them. I know, I should be doing a movie review instead, but this was something pretty big. I'm glad all is OK. Anyways. I'm right in the middle of 'Cassandra's Dream', the fourth of Woody Allen's last four films which were all done in London. I like it so far. So much so that I must now bid you farewell, my sweet prince, and wish you the best until we meet again tomorrow. Bye!
WED, 090408 @ 12:50AM

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I'm using your slideshow, Zachary Chun.

MON, 090406 @ 11:26PM
Hiya Zach. Rather than scrounging around for good photos to post, I decided to simply download your slide show and use those photos for the added images on postings. The ones there are good, so it'll be ok, OK? Anyways, the photo above is from Circus Circus in Las Vegas. I won that Spiderman for you and you were as happy as can be. I know I look happier than you and I probably was cuz I did something that made you happy. Just wanted to post this photo to start the slide show photo thing. I'll elaborate tomorrow. Have a nice day!
MON, 090406 @ 11:29PM

WED, 090408 @ 12:52AM
Oops. I just noticed now, after tomorrows posting (#89) that I was missing the actual body of the post for this day's post. Oops. Sorry. I'll need to fill in this post with something, and what better way than to add a rating or two.
Match Point - IGIA7. I was excited to see this film mainly because I'm such a tennis freak. It's my best sport and also the sport I like the best. After renting it, I found out that it was a Woody Allen film. It gets its title from the mere fact that the main character is an ex-tennis pro who no longer tours the circuit. That's about it in terms of its relevance to tennis. It's about a guy who gains favor to a wealthy British family and entangles him in whirlwind situations with all of the family members and the relationships that develops between everyone. It shows how the rich live in London and the many frailties that exist amongst them. They're people too. I can't be certain if the ending for this film is the ending that's got my brow raised high. I think it is. If it is, I would have to bump it up to an IGIA8 because it was so juicy and tense. It's one of those classic Allen tall tales that tells a story beautifully with clever and witty dialogue. You'll appreciate this filmmaker the more you watch his films because they are all similar in a way, but all so very different in content. I'm becoming a fan because he writes his films. Who cares how he chooses to live his personal life. Judging his work according to his personal lifestyle and choices is wrong and I refrain from it entirely. You should too.
Vicky Christina Barcelona - IGIA8. Scarlett Johanssen stars in this film as well. She's Woody Allen's 'protege', so to speak. They work well together and she does a fine job delivering his tales. I liked this film very much because it shows a side to Spain that only Woody can show. It also shows a side of the artistically challenged group of players that are constantly struggling for something they can't define. And of course, the questions that typically arise from relationships and its complications are emphasized to the extreme in this film. I am also a huge fan of Penelope Cruz not because she's so damn hot, but because she's the epitome of the wildly sexy Latina that all men desire. It wasn't the plot that receives kudos, but rather the characters because they are all so extremely convincing and believable. I really enjoyed this film because it was shot beautifully with direction and intent. Watch it and appreciate it.
I think that should make this posting acceptable, don't you think? Anyways, until next time...
WED, 090408 @ 1:16AM

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Is that you, Zachary Chun?

TUE, 090331 @ 9:02AM
You're going to hate me for adding the image above, but it's a FIRST photo I have of you peeing so I had to use it. Don't hate me. I think it's very cute. Anyways, just publishing this post to get this photo up. CYA when I'm ready.
TUE, 090331 @ 9:04AM

MON, 090406 @ 10:11PM
Whoa. Hi son. Wow, it's been a long time. For whatever reason, I've been kinda not wanting to post. It wasn't that I was lazy or anything, it was mainly because I'm hurting so much and missing you guys too much these days. I'm very sad. What brought me back was this. Over the weekend, I went to somebody's house to help fix their computers. While I was doing so, their son, 14 year old James, was curious about what I was doing so he was hanging around. It turns out that James isn't my friend's real son. It was his second marriage and James was someone else's son. Thing about it is is this. My friend was telling me about the situation. His main point was that James had a big hole in his heart because his natural father never bothered to look him up. It was almost as though he didn't care. James has all kinds of questions on his mind and wonders daily about who he is and who he is a son to. That kinda shocked me and left me thinking. Zach. I haven't been a good father to you lately because your animal of a mother is keeping you away from me and telling you lies. I haven't wanted to fight her in court over you guys because at your age, you need your mother more than me, your father. If this keeps up though, I'm going to have to track her ass down and duke it out with her. I told my friend about this blog and he told me how important it will be to you. These words will prove your mother wrong. I care for you and your sister more than anything else on earth and I'm trying to tell you the truth by communicating with you the best I can. I really hope you realize this and know that the lies you are being told about me is exactly that. LIES. Your mother and her whole God Damned family are animals that go around abandoning their children which is why your mother thinks it's OK to do what she is doing to us. Your young now, so all of this shouldn't really get to you, but you'll realize the truth in time. Find me Zach because I miss you very much. I think about you guys constantly and wonder how you guys are doing. I want to be there for you in every way, but I can't because your mother is an animal. I have this renewed passion to ketchup and blog my heart out to you because I don't want you to ever think that I would abandon you guys. I love you both very much and will be with you guys soon. Until then, keep your chin up and be strong. I love you.
MON, 090406 @ 10:24PM

Friday, March 27, 2009

I've finally caught up Zachary Ryan Chun! Yae!

FRI, 090327 @ 10:44PM
Hello Zach. I don't think I have a single photo of you with a picture with Santa Claus, even though it's me! The principal at Antioch asked me to be Santa that year because I'm always so giddy and happy. Oh course, I said. Anything for my boy! I went straight off into my Picasa Web Albums tab in my Firefox and as soon as I did, I realized I should link it for you. So...

Now I feel like going back to it to elaborate on the comments. Lol. I'm a rather funny chap, aren't I? Whew, this CPU restarted for some reason as I was writing this and I didn't lose a single word. Good for you, Blogger and your automated saving thingy. As I was saying, I'm going to go elaborate on the comments and add my two tomorrow. CYA!
FRI, 090327 @ 10:58PM

TUE, 090331 @ 8:24AM
Good morning Zach. Oh, no! I'm behind again. Gosh darn it. I'm a head, darn it. It's kinda weird. I get excited about posting anything because it gives me a chance to somehow talk to you, but every time I do, I can't help feeling hateful to that animal for keeping us apart. It's a Catch-22. What does that mean? HW! I'm going to hurry up and ketchup again so that I can do my .doc file for the 90th posting. I don't know about you, but I'm excited about it and looking forward to it. Hmm, if I were caught up, should I have already posted it? Yes, I think so. Well, at least that reason give me incentive to hurry up and ketchup. Let me go back to my IGIAs.
Diehard - IGIA9. This is most definitely an adult action film so you should wait many, many years, but because it's such an important series of movies, I had to include them. This was the movie that made Bruce Willis the movie star he is today. Oh, BTW, when I was 15 or so, I saw him at the Palos Verdes Mall filming an episode of Moonlighting with Cybil Shephard. There is a scene in a series where Bruce Willis props up Cybil Shephard onto an escalator in order to escape from bad guys. She did the stunt herself, but there was a big problem. She was wearing a dress at the time, so as she slid down, her dress rode up and exposed her panties! Oh no! She twisted her ankle too when she landed. Ouch. Ooops. Excuse the tangent. Going back to my IGIA. This movie was very different from the action flicks back then because the hero was not fully in control most of the time. In fact, he was brutally victimized throughout the film, so we feel for him with every twist and turn. The entire film was based on a robbery, but there are enough twists and turns that'll make you sit on edge and shriek and clap. I really enjoyed this film in many ways. You can't miss it. Oh yeah, there is a scene when the cop receives the call about troubles at the Nagatomi building. He's buying Twinkies at a gas station, but when he steps out, he looks over to the building. Notice the gas prices back then. Wow. I caught it the fourth or fifth time I saw this classic. Just some food for thought.
Diehard II - IGIA8. Whenever a movie is so well made, it is very difficult to follow up with an ever better sequel. I think Godfather II is the only sequal that betters the original. Diehard II keeps pace with the action sequences, but the depth is lacking. Sure, McClain is at a disadvantage in this film as well, but he's not 'stuck' and alone as he is in the first film. There are some great action sequences that will drop your jaw many times however. It's a good film so long as you don't compare.
Diehard with a Vengeance - IGIA9. Just when you think the best has passed, they come up with an even better one! This is as good, if not better than the first film. This time however, he teams up with Samuel L. Jackson and their chemistry is what makes this film so worthwhile. They're on a quest to try and disarm a bomb at some school in New York. That's where McClain's a cop, BTW. This one is nail biting from beginning to end with enough humor to keep you very entertained. Don't miss it.
Diehard IV - IGIA8. Again, the producers were faced with the problem of trying to somehow outdo the previous movies. By itself, this is a good movie, but in comparison to those movies that came before it, it strikes out. There was also a modern approach to this one. They tried taking in some of the more modern technologies that McClain didn't want to understand. It was so advanced I sometimes had a hard time believing or understanding all of it myself. The one scene that stands out is the horrific crash in the tunnel. I wowed several times afterwards. And the fighting with the Asian chick. Good shiznit. Anyways, consider the Diehard series one of the few sequels that you have to watch. Bye for now!
TUE, 900331 @ 8:36AM

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Zachary Chun and his two cousins.

FRI, 090327 @ 5:27AM
Hello again, son. I had this photo waiting in the wings for too long, so I'm posting it before I'm ready. I'll have finally caught up today and I promise to do a play by play of the Walnut slide show. Until then, ciao.
FRI, 090327 @ 5:29AM

FRI, 090327 @ 10:11PM
Hello again and again, Zach. I know I promised you a play by play of the front yard project on Walnut, but there was a difficulty that would affect us both. First, it would be very difficult for me to index and refer to the photo I want to comment on. On that same note, you would find it difficult to know what it was I was talking about. SO, I just decided to add a comment in my Picasa online album to squash this issue. I wanted to write something for every photo, so it's somewhat on the slim side ATM. I'll refer back to it and elaborate on those photos that could use additional comments. I'm treating this this thing with extreme priority because it was a huge undertaking that produced more than expected results. I was thinking my efforts would grant me a B+, but the end result was actually a full blown A++. I am very proud of my very first home project in which the home was mine. I have photos of other projects as well and I'll be sharing those with you later on. There are about 8 or so photo set links I could use, but I'm so into this movie review thing ATM that I think I'll continue on. Probably because I'm still playing ketchup. This is TH's posting, isn't it? Anyways.
Kung Fu Panda - IGIA7. Kung-fu is one of my favorite genres, top 5, and this movie incorporates that with computer animation that is top notch. CGI, I believe? HW! There was somewhat of an over-attempt at humor and it only worked on a few occasions. I think about the only reoccurring funny thing was the fat Panda that kept falling on his big behind. I am not one who takes this genre over the top. Meaning, I don't frown or curse whenever I see lightfoot in action or whenever two enemies are flying about. I believe all this to be true, or at least, I wish it so much to be true that I want to believe it. So, based on my personal opinions and beliefs, poking fun at the whole kung-fu genre doesn't sit well with me. The Chinese can fly, damn it! I guess personal beliefs and preferences really impacts one's rating of movies. For example, my most despised genre is horror. I hate being scared and watching gore on film. That being said, I wouldn't give any horror flick anything over a 6. Hmm. This is a rather interesting concept I've just really put my finger on. This is true across the board for everyone. A top notch American critic could never give any Korean movie the type of rating I would give because I understand it better. Hmm. Very interesting. A critics' opinions and preferences matter whenever a rating system is taken into consideration because there is a lot of bias towards the final score. HMMM. How very neat and interesting? Never really spelled it out like this before. I sort of came to this conclusion because of member reviews on Netflix, I think. There is a 'percentage similar to you' feature that rates raters according to my tastes. Sub-consciously, I think I placed more importance on those reviews from raters with similar taste. I'l try to keep this in mind and share with you my opinions on certain subjects and topics. Nice. Anyways, because I've babbled on so, I think we're OK with just this one review. Bye for now!
FRI, 090327 @ 10:41PM

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I promise I wasn't tickling you Zachary Chun.

TH, 090326 @ 8:49AM
Hello Zach. I just wanted to make sure this image was added and published because it completes the set. You are so genuinely happy, as I was. I think this is my favorite set of photos with you. Yeah, I'm sure of it. I'll check back with you later to do my two. Bye!
TH, 090326 @ 8:51AM

FRI, 090327 @ 4:52AM
Good Morning to you, Zach. How was your week? I suppose I should start with some announcements. First, today is the day that I added the slide show for 23839 Walnut St in Torrance. I came across my 'homes' folder and there was this very special set. I'm so proud of it that I had to share it with you. It took over a year for me to complete and I couldn't have been happier with the result. It definitely deserves a play by play so I'll do one soon. Probably on tomorrows posting. The other thing I wanted to share was the fact that people all over the world are inadvertently coming across this blog. One guy did some weird search with the word 'Samoa' in it and you know how I love using it. There were about 10 international visitors of the past 100. Very interesting. It's telling me that the body of this blog matters in terms of search results. Maybe I should start using keywords like Ben-10 or Bakugan in my postings. That way, you'll run across me whenever you do any Google search. I doubt 'Zachary Ryan Chun' will be your very first Google. I should guess all of the different words you may search for and include them into the body of this blog in order to increase our chances of finally meeting. That's a pretty huge task, I must say. Bakugan. Ben-10. Spiderman. LOL. I could do this for days and days. Anyways, thought I'd throw that in. I believe I left off at Hero...
Indiscreet - IGIA8. This movie stars two of my favorite classic actors, Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman. It can be considered a period piece because it shows how things were back in the '50s. However, when it was made and released, it was very current, so it has become a period piece with time. This is a very important concept in movies. Only through movies, can we envision a time in history as best as we can. Reading history books can't relay such minor details such as mannerisms, speech, politeness, and so on. I have recently developed a huge favor towards 18th and 19th century England by viewing many of Jane Austen's novels made to movies. There was a distinct difference in class and the upper class was ridiculously lavished. There are dozens and dozens of films out there that shows how people dressed, how they talked, and how they related to one another in different places in different times. Going back to this review. Uh-hum, sorry. Ingrid Bergman is a famous movie star who is having a difficult time settling down with someone because of her fame and wealth. Cary Grant is a world-renowned diplomat that steals her heart. Because of her status, she's cautious and suspicious. The beauty of this film is its delivery of lost innocence. People were so innocent and classy then. Their mere dialogue presents a mysterious level of innocence unheard of these days. I loved this movie for doing just that. What was proper then and how people were treated and treating others is something totally different from how things are now. You'll enjoy this as much as I did because it is a classy classic.
Juno - IGIA7. Ironically, this movie is similar to Indiscreet but at the same time, completely different on many levels. Teenage pregnancy was unheard of back then, but in today's culture, it is something that is widely addressed and discussed. So much so that a movie about the subject was made. This film is about a teenager who decides to give up her baby to a wanting couple who has been having difficulties conceiving their own. It is a rather difficult subject matter even by today's standards, but they pull it off rather well. None of the cast members have ulterior motives and everyone is honest to the very end. It's a cute comedy that shows many of the follies and difficulties of adolescence and allows a teenager to tell the whole world that everything is 'OK'. Two very modern films that depicts the sign of the times. Funny. Until tomorrow, son. Bye! Oh yeah, kiss your sister for me today. I feel like a kiss. And hug yourself real hard for me and imagine with me that it's your old man spreading some love. Bye.
FRI, 090327 @ 5:24AM

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bless you Zachary Chun.

TH, 090326 @ 8:21AM
Hello Zach. OMG, bless you! Oh no, you're going to sneeze! Everyone, look out! RUN! Can you believe the uploads still aren't finished? It's been over 12 hours. Oh, my. Anyways, whenever I have a bunch of images I want to add from my Picasa dropbox, I have this strange need to publish a post. I use to wonder about what I was going to pass the time with, but since I'm on this movie rating run, it's a breeze to step onto stage for my fifteen minutes of fame. That's a description that an artist by the name of Andy Warhol . He claimed that everyone has lived, or will experience, 15 minutes of fame. It's a widely used expression describing a person's 'chance' to shine. Anyways. Allow me to mosey on to my two flicks for the day.
Hulk - IGIA8. Finally, they were able to make a decent film about the Incredible Hulk. Oh, this is the one starring Edward Norton. There was an attempt like 10 years ago by Eric Bana but that one flat out splattered. I had to bump this one up a notch because the special effects are really, really good. Aside from being totally believable, they went way out in their attempts to show the jaw-dropped audience just how strong the Hulk really is. I also liked the fact that Bruce Banner, the human scientist that turns into the Hulk, was well portrayed as the loner, wondering scientist who is dead set on finding a cure. This little twist adds to the comic character's realism and also brings us, the audience, closer to him. This one should be watched in complete surround sound on Blu-Ray or high def.
Ice Age - IGIA7. Hmm. I wondered for a while about the details of the plot in order to write a decent review for this film. I just remember clearly that muscat-kinda animal and the woolly mammoth. The animation was top notch so the viewing experience was exceptional. There was some need to migrate somewhere for some reason. Whatever it was, it was the trip that made the movie fun. That reminds me of some other animations...
Shark Tale - IGIA8. There is a lot of satire in this star studded cast. Between every line is an innuendo towards something adult which gives all audiences something to laugh at. That's always a subtle key to a successful animation. There has to be just enough for everyone to bite on so that everyone can enjoy it. The plot has something to do with a shark slaying flounder who works at a Car Wash. It sounds funny, but it somehow works. I enjoyed watching this film and I think I'll enjoy it even more the second time around. That's a little secret for a select few films. Some movies are simply better the second time around. I think this qualifies. Anyways son, I wish you many happy days and I can't wait until I hug you and kiss you over and over. Bye for now!
TH, 090326 @ 8:46AM

Monday, March 23, 2009

Zachary Chun wants to kiss his Dad.

TH, 090326 @ 2:43AM
Hello my Zach. I went through a bunch of photos again and because I so love this photo session, I posted yet another picture from this day. I know, it's similar to the ones before, but who cares, right? Anyways. How are you doing? Fine, I hope. I would like to be there to help you through all of the difficulties of childhood, but your mother's an animal so she's keeping us apart. I just hope you'll make contact with me soon. I figured out an easy, useful labeling system for my rating scale. Oh, BTW, pronounce it ah-ghee-yah, like 'baby'. I-GI-A. Get it? Here's the easier, simple definition of my rating system.
IGIA0-6 - Don't bother.
IGIA7 - You can, if you want.
IGIA8 - You should watch it.
IGIA9 - You must watch it.
IGIA10 - You will watch it.
A lot easier, right? I thought this little descriptive scale would make it easier for you. Usually, rating systems are on a 1-5 scale, but in my book, because anything '10' is best, I went with the second set of fives. Anyways. Here are my two for the day. Oh, the photos coming up are under the file, 'Our Family Photos'. There are about 10 sets, and they're all being uploaded as we speak, and it should take like all night. I'll post those links tomorrow or so. Who knows.
House of Flying Daggers - IGIA7. I should know the Chinese director of some of these movies. I think this is the same guy that made 'Hero'. That'll be my next IGIA (ah-ghee-yah). This film is an on going adventure about a secret society of rebels starring Ziyi Zhang. Uh, I think I have her name right. There are many artistic fighting sequences that leaves the viewer in awe of the ancient Chinese secret of kung-fu. This is a break from traditional, uh, darn, I forgot what it's called when foreign films are translated...voice-over? Darn. HW! It show life back in the days, so the attire and cinematography is exceptionally well done. The plot isn't too memorable, but the fighting sequences are well shot and very pleasing to watch. You'll like this one, watch it.
Hero - IGIA8. One of Jet Li's top 3 best films. There is a scene in the calligraphy school with arrows that you will never, ever forget. Every last shot of this film was well planned and precisely executed. It's colorful, artsy, and glamorously flamboyant. Jet Li was at the peak of his game when he made this film, so every fight sequence is unbelievably shot to perfection. Don't miss this one, you'll love it as much as I do.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - IGI8. This movie came to mind when I was thinking about the director of these films, so I've included it here. I think this film was the most lucrative Chinese movie to be shown on US screens. It stars Chow Yun Fat and Ziyi Zhang. (You know what, I should know her name and be able to spell it correctly. BRB) Wow, I was spelling it right. Good for me. It also stars Michelle Yoo, a well-known kung-fu artist who's even made it to a Bond film. There are many memorable scenes in this movie. One is their use of 'lightfoot' as they chase each other on the rooftops. Oh, in case you don't know, the Chinese can fly. Then there is that sword fight on the bamboo trees. The plot is well written and you are constantly trying to flip the page as the plot thickens and develops. The same director probably did all three of these movies because they are so similar. Hmm. I wish I knew the director of these films. I should, you know. Oh, I know. HW! It's a fun one so turn that frown upside down, son. Anyways, I've overstayed my welcome today I believe. Until next time.
TH, 090326 @ 3:11AM