Monday, January 26, 2009

Lemmie have the Camera, DAD!

MON, 090126 @ 4:20PM
Good Morning, Zachary Ryan Chun. And hello there Rachel Lauren Chun. How are you both at the start of another fine week. I hope you both had loads and loads of fun this weekend. I know school can be a drag at times, but that's what kids do. Go to school. You just have to learn how to control your perceptions about everything. Let's just say that your school teacher gave you five, long assignments over a holiday weekend. You have parties to go to, shopping to do, and bakugan battles to fight. Oh no! Rather than being mad about your unfair teacher, just be glad that she didn't give you ten assignments. That way, you won't waste time thinking about all of the terrible reasons why she's so unfair and before you know it, you'll be done! It takes a lot of effort to be mad and hateful. It's not worth it 99% of the time. Be cool. Stay in school. Ha ha. Anyways, I picked the picture above because it is one of the many, many times that you reached up to me to grab at my camera. Look at how happy you are. I was just as happy. The folder names for this set are:
041006, Went to Robinson's may for 2nd & 3rd pairs of Spiderman Shoes
041022 Lemmie have the camera
041031 Halloween 2004
Hi Zachary Ryan Chun. This posting's been lingering on all day because I have these photo sets I can post with. I didn't fill in the time when I started it, but that was a mistake. Even though I'll wait to post in the future, I shouldn't mess with the time stamp of the posting. I forgot when I started this posting, so I just filled it in with my favorite time of day. I'm like 28 minutes away from midnight when all will be cleared for takeoff. Lemmie go back to the 041031 folder. This was your first trick-or-treat, so a play by play is in order. Here goes...
PICT0475-0476 - Rachel was only 3 months old, so she's still tripping off of her walker with the Looney Tune guys.
PICT0480 - Another fine example of 'give me the camera!' The more you asked for it, the harder it was to take your picture. Here, I pulled away and took our photo, hence the poor crop. Look how you still have a Thomas train in both hands. Hard to let go, eh son?
PICT0481 - Your moms called you over to put on your Spidey gloves for our very first trick-or-treat. The anticipation was overwhelming more for me than for you because you had no idea what was in store for you.
PICT0482 - Here you are putting on your Spidey gloves. LOL, look at the Thomas trains. You had to put them in order when you put it down. I think you get that from me.
PICT048 - It's Spiderman! Yae! Look, your reaching out. Either you want the camera, or you're trying to swing into action.
PICT0485 - It took all your effort to make your hands do like Spidey. This is a precious moment. You not only look like Spiderman, but you were acting out like him too. I cried and smiled all night watching you. I'm tearing now from the joyous event.
PICT1987 - You're looking down to see if you can swing into action!
PICT1988 - Spiderman in action. LOL, you're so special.
PICT1989 - PICT1997 - I think I was more excited over taking your picture than actually trick-or-treating. You were only two BTW.
PICT1998 - We came back pretty early because the houses were so damn far apart. Instead of a bag full of candy, I gave you this apple. Sorry Zachary Ryan Chun.
PICT1999 - LOL, you're chomping away at that apple like crazy. Look, you're picking at your teeth but you can't let go of your Spiderman. Too cute.
PICT2000 - Still chomping away at the apple with the Spidey in your hands.
PICT2001 - PICT2002 - Rachel Lauren Chun loved dozing away in her swing. I was having too much fun with you with everything that I actually forgot I have a daughter too.
PICT2004 - PICT2011 - Back in your messy playroom. I treasure every night that we spent together there because you were always so much fun. I miss you Zach.
Well, there's the play by play of your very first trick-or-treat. I'm sure you don't remember that night, so I hope these pictures can help you realize what a fun time it was. Another thing I want you to realize is how much I care for and love you Zachary Ryan Chun. I consider myself an exceptional dad because I love you guys so much that I snapped and snapped all of these great photos. Why would I do so if I didn't love you guys? All of my love and energies went to helping the both of you learn and grow better and wiser. Things are way different now simply because your mother and her family are animals. Sorry to have to tell you the truth. I hope that you guys can realize the truth for yourselves simply by reading this blog and looking at the photos that tells the truth. Oh, there's the bell striking midnight. I can publish in peace now. Have a great week and TTYT!
MON, 090126 @ 12:01AM

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