Damn, this is my third attempt of this third posting today. I'm frustrated because the second attempt had all of the good spices to be a thumbs up contestant. Kudos goes to the photo judge and contestants, so we will reflect with that first today. What a great picture, eh? Everyone should have enough sense to capture moments like this, an early gathering, of family members. In the photo are Alec, Thomas, and Zachary Chun. I had to choose among eight or so photos, so when I saw Alec telling me this is the one, I added it. Also, all photos should have the date stamp, always. No butts, period. Date stamp. We went over to your aunt's home, so we took a time out and took these photos. Oh, is that a play by play, I hear? Oh, sorry, I went through the first long set and a play by play wasn't in order...
PICT1410 - This is the picture that sum's up your love of Thomas and Percy when you were young. I remember your love well, Zachary Chun. There was absolutely nothing at all the matter of you fiending Thomas 24-7. I pretty much bought you everything I could and you managed to satisfy your desires well. There is not one bit of anything wrong with Thomas. The quality of the photos was pushed way up, so the large file will only have about 20 photos in total. Noobed it big time. Damn, 9 minutes to go with the set link. OH YEAH, I CHANGED THE PASSWORD TONIGHT. I REPEAT, THE PASSWORD WAS CHANGD TONIGHT. BRB, gonna go sweep the patio...
Two seconds before the link was available, I switched over.
The folder names are:
040613, A day with Thomas and Alec
040614, Playing with Thomas and Percy
I just realized how much of a permanant archive this blog will be towards my photos. I noticed one file in the first folder, PICT1385, is corrupt. I will hunt it down. There are 26 photos in the first and only 3 in the second. This posting was so meaningful because the photo on the post is so precious. Today's posting deserves a solid A. Hmm, I'll start self grading from here on out. My constant aim is to entertain. Anyways, I shall publish you now, in order to beat the rush hour traffic, when this carriage returns to itself, a pumpkin. Ding...ding...bye...ding.
TH, 090122 @ 11:37PM
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