Friday, February 6, 2009

10 more random things

FRI, 090206 @ 12:13AM
Dude, I've been sitting here trying to come up with the next random thing, but I can't. I suppose I could just blurt out anything but there are too many conditions and restrictions I must abide by. First of all anything I write has to be meaningful because I need to keep you interested, Zachary Ryan Chun. Secondly, because you're still a kid (at least I hope you still are by the time you finally find me) I have to censor myself to the max. Lastly, I can't be totally open about anything current because I don't want it known by a certain animal. Therefore, I quit. I should go back and re-title the last posting 10 random things. It's a lot easier blabbering about anything and nothing when I'm not under any type of rules or regulations. Anyways, sorry, but I quit. There. I sorted hundreds of photos today because I'm using Picasa on my slick little external USB. Some folders were repeated 4 times, but it was easy to delete duplicates because Picasa showed me the photos in the folders along with their locations. I have like four more sets of CDs I have to copy and sort through. A lot of folders weren't labeled, either. The cameras I had would sort by its date stamp and I never really had the time to go through the sets in order to label them. I'm doing that now, so plz be patient. I'm picking up a lot of good pictures as well. The Picasa viewer has an upload feature that allows me to collect memorable photos to publish later when appropriate. There was one set in particular we took about a year and a half ago where all three of us were making faces. Rachel Lauren Chun made the kinds of faces I would make. I see myself in her in so many occasions. Hi Rachel! I'm periodically saving Google search results for the both of you so when I can, I'll zip em and upload them for your viewing pleasure. My goal is to be results 1-10, so until I am, I won't fuss about it anymore. I got some pictures in the mail today. Snapfish is trying to market their service by providing 30 free prints. I had all these great pictures of you because of this blog, so I printed those. Have I mentioned how much I love photography? I'm sure I have, it's one of my greater passions in life. Wow, posting is so much more difficult when there isn't some sort of plan involved. At least when I post a photo set, I can blab on and on about the photos in the sets. Today, because I was trying to finish my random thoughts, I didn't bother with that usual routine. Anyways. Hiya Zachary Ryan Chun. Wish me luck with Doug tomorrow. Cross your fingers for me. I should be engulfed in my business plan writing right now. See how important you are to me? Just Kidding. That was an excuse because I'm lazy. I'm very excited about the venture, but without a clear pathway, I can get terribly lazy. Oh wells. I sent in the rest of my 100 sweepstakes entries today. I should know when the drawing is. BRB.
Oh, poo. I wanted to know when the drawing was, but I failed. As soon as I find out, I'll let you know. Cross your fingers for that one too. I could really use $6K at Best Buy. Wow, wouldn't that be grand. Snap out of it Jay. Be patient. Anyways. Oh, I'm trying so hard to entertain, aren't I? Can you tell? I'm thinking I've told you about that pretty Southern Belle, but I don't think I mentioned my 3rd grade teacher in Tennessee. I remember very well my first day of school in Nashville. Glenview Elementary School. I was enrolled as a third grader, so I only did half of 2nd grade. Hmm. I never thought about it like that until just right now. Anyways. Korea in the 70's was not a global community. There were very few foreigners who visited back then. I mention that because when I went to school for the first time, I was more shocked than nervous. Prior to that day, I had never seen a black person in person. Half the class was black and I really didn't know what to make of it. In thinking back, I smile because I was so not nervous. I think it was the language issue. They all could have make cruel jokes left and right, but none of it got through simply because I didn't understand. Moving on. The fat white teacher called me up to the front of the class and blabbered on about something. It's nearly impossible to remember anything in a different language. I didn't understand even 1% of whatever she blabbered about. There weren't any chuckles or laughter, so I didn't stress. She turns around and pulls down a map of the U.S. I had no idea what she wanted from me. All I got was a feeling that she was waiting for some kind of response. I thought to myself. She's either asking me where we are, or she's asking me where I came from. Again, please know that I understood nothing. I obviously didn't know where I was, so I move on to my latter thought and tried pointing to Korea. Hmm. I didn't see Korea anywhere on the map. Rather than giving up, I had this last thought. Korea is shaped like a gun. Hey look, that state over there in the corner is shaped like a gun too. I pointed to Florida and the class burst into laughter. I grunted as I sat down because I didn't give the right answer. Back in the 70s, there were no ESL classes. Especially in Tennessee. A Korean gentleman was brought in from somewhere and he taught me English from morning until the afternoon. We were so focused that I literally learned English in one year. Hmm. There were some good memories from those days that I'd like to share with you, so I'll continue on with my stories manana. Anyways son, good night and have a pleasant tomorrow. Muah!
FRI, 090206 @ 1:04AM

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