Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Novel is the success of structure, but a blog can be limitlessly visual.

SUN, 090201 @ 8:26PM
Hello Zachary Ryan Chun. I just noticed how sad you are in the picture above. FIRSTs, are FIRST, so here is the photo of your FIRST zit. Oh, no! Look how genuinely sad you are in that picture. Awww. Dumb zit. Shoo. Go away. Today is Superbowl Sunday. The XLIII. The Pittsburgh Pirates were 7 pts. favored over the Arizona Cardinals. I may or may not reveal the play by play. I'll just assume you watched it too. As I kept reading through the ads and visual displays, I couldn't resist reviewing my Roman Numerals. I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, ? = 100, M=500, and ? = 1,000. Oh, poo. BRB.
C is 100, M is 1,000 and D is 500.
I was born on the year of the pig, in 1971.
Hmm. I was most comfortable with this site
If smaller numbers follow larger numbers, the numbers are added. If a smaller number precedes a larger number, the smaller number is subtracted from the larger. For example, if you want to say 1,100 in Roman Numerals, you would say M for 1000 and then put a C after it for 100; in other words 1,100=MC in Roman Numerals.
VIII = 5+3 = 8
IX = 10-1 = 9
XL = 50-10 = 40
XC = 100-10 = 90
MCMLXXXIV = 1000+(1000-100)+50+30+(5-1) = 1984
This is a very simple sytem of mathematical designation still in use today. Consider it a lesson and master Roman Numerals now. So, the Superbowl was today...hmm. BRB, patio sweep.
Back. I remembered that I was going to post to a set of photos for the last posting, hence the name "Getting Back on Track". It was funny because within the added image was a shot of a train. I vaguely recollect the moment and events that occurred back then. Nonetheless, the results were this. A photo of the very FIRST movie you ever saw is somewhere within discs. I remember it clearly because I looked at it so often. It was a viewing of "Spierman" and we were both very excited. This second movie wasn't as eventful, even though we expected much more because of the choo choo on the poster. Thomas the Tank Engine dominated your leasure, so we were both expecting too much. Anyways, I will find that picture some day. Ok. To be back on track, we need a listing of the folders in the next set.
041101, Playing in his fun room
041106, A Day with Thomas
041108, Zach on my back somewhere
041109, Zach loves cake!
041110, ZRC's Shoes
041111, 2nd Movie, Polar Express
041112, FIRST Zit
041121, Some Dumb Church Presentation
(wow, MegaManager is sa-low...)
Whew, we are officially back on track. I'm using my Seagate 250 to organize all of my photos, so you will have to excuse me a bit. I know you love it when I ramble on about nothing, but I must bid you farewell for tonight. Parting is such sweet sorrow. Cheerios!
SUN, 090201 @ 9:02PM

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