Saturday, February 7, 2009

FIRST Double Stroller

SAT, 090207 @ 3:49AM
Hello, Zachary Ryan Chun. Oh, and look. Hiya Rachel Lauren Chun. This is the very first picture I took of the two of you guys in your very first double stroller. Look how Zach has his arm around you. That is much too cute. Rachel was more curious than anything about life at that age, so she always had that perplexed look about her. And you Zach, you being a good older brother, always had your arm around her to protect her from any harm. I love this picture. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do. You are search result 1-5 now, Zach. I'm half way there. I haven't done anything but post to this blog. Your other accounts are being ignored at the moment. When I find the time, I suppose that would be my next course of action. Lemmie go check on Rachel's google. BRB. She's 1-4, and 6. Funny how that is considering I haven't posted anything on her blog yet. So how was your week? It started raining here in the Southland yesterday. Last month was the third hottest month on record, with an average temp of 63 or so. I'm actually glad to see some rain. You can never have too much of it here. The rain is good for plants and trees, it cleans in places only rain can clean, and allows everyone to start fresh once it passes. There's nothing like a good, much anticipated, needed rain. Oh yeah, My Coke Rewards. Lemmie try to check again. BRB. Double poo, they're undergoing a system upgrade. Oh wells. I'll report as soon as I can. Can you tell I'm stalling? I'm waiting on something ATM, so I can't access my photos. 11% to go. Gonna go sweep down the patio. Be patient, grasshopper. BRB.
Back. Wow, the moon is as full as can be. It looks really close too. The clouds have dissipated so it's a clear, bright night with sound of water dropping down from the rain gutters. I thought about how you liked looking at the moon and realized I'm looking at the same moon that you saw a few hours ago. Poor us, eh? Oh darn, I can retrieve a photo set now, but I don't have the link to the set on this hard drive. Gonna have to restart my other drive, so BRB. Don't go nowhere.
Wow that took a long time. I had to go re-read past postings to see where I'm at, and it's been almost a whole week since I last posted any photos. How could that be?!? I also noticed that on Mondays posting, the 2nd of Feb, I was waiting for the upload and never re-posted the link. Oops. Here it is.
That means I'm out of links, so lemmie go start one up so that I can properly post it to this post.
050106, Take Tomas' Picture
050405, FIRST Lego Airplane we made
050408, FIRST Double Stroller
050508, Photos with Thomas @ church
050519, FIRST Bathing Suit
LOL. The image I added above is from this set. Well whatda know. Haven't you heard? I'm a nerd!

For some reason, these two links aren't showing up as links...ctrl-shift-a. Nerd, I said. I added a photo from this small set. It's a picture of you in your first bathing suit with me in that Japanese tub. We had many a good memories there. Do you remember, "Ducky uh dee suh?". I started my business plan last night for C2C. If need be, my corporate name is going to be ZandR Enterprises. Chook Bok is for animals who hide behind the friggin bible and squirm about like worms in the rain. Mis juevos animales. Anyways son, I won't be satisfied until you have all of my pictures available to you, so busy I'll be sorting and labeling and organizing. You'll have to excuse me for not adhereing to timeline. That's all for today. Have a nice weeked and kiss your sister for me. I love you both very much and miss you a whole lot.
SAT, 090207 @ 5:53AM

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